Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Product Review: Ssscat

I just bought Sssscat which is a spray can attached to a motion sensor. The idea is that when the cat goes near it, they get sprayed. So you put it in a place that you want to be off limits to your cats.

There are few places where I don't allow my cats but my Tabitha insists on getting herself up in a high window to sit on the sill. The problem is that in order to get to this window she has to climb the dining room drapes and not only is she clawing them up but she's bending the bracket holding the curtain rod. She has also introduced my two "kitteens" to the joys of this place and the curtains are suffering from their use as a stair case.

Tabitha, being the only female pet in the house is extra cunning and clever. While she knows I don't approve of this, when Mom's away, Tabitha will play. While she makes sure that I rarely catch her, the bent curtain rod holder gives her away. So I bought Sssscat, placed it on the window sill and crossed my fingers.
It speaks well of my cat to say that she completely "got it". OK Mom put that hissy thing up there, I guess she really doesn't want me climbing up the drapes." I also made available another window for her to gaze out of so she's fine with the new situation. As evidenced by an un bent curton brace, none of the cats have been up the drapes!
It works! It's a bit pricey, over 30 dollars for a can of air and a motion sensor. I began to think of other uses for my investment. Maybe if you put it on some bug spray and put it outside... put it on foot spray and place it near my son's shoes... Actually I think the company should consider remarketing this product for use by Parapsychologists. The unit could be efective for detecting ghosts or at least it seems that way. It's rather unnerving to have it just go off when you're all alone and nobody is near it. What triggered it?
Gram, is that you???

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Search for the Perfect Food

I'm as clueless as the next guy; so much to consider! There are so many special labels out there that you can only get in pet stores. There is also my friend who has always always given all her cats Purina Cat Chow. One would think that would be like the McDonald's of cat food but her cats live forever!

Being that my household is 90% neutered males (my son not included in census), there are special health concerns. Neutered male cats get crystals in their urinary tracts. (neutered dogs get FAT) The vet bills for these crystals far outweigh the cost of premium food. Even "Doctor No Nonsense" is pretty emphatic about this one and has a special diet that maybe I ought to try. But the hard part is getting something they LIKE!

Money is definitely a concern here but so is flavor and the convenience of getting the stuff factors in too. I'm not a well organized person and being able to buy the food at the grocery store sure is appealing and often necessary. HOWEVER the grocery store is more expensive than the fancy pet stores when it comes to the price of the brands that you can get at both places. Maybe I'm just stupid but that surprised me as I always figured that a place that charges six dollars for a little squeaky toy was marking up their food as well. Not at all, Fancy Feast Elegant medleys is ten to fifteen cents a can cheaper than at Ralph's (Kroger's). Walmart is lower still but shopping there is not something I'll ever endorse (unless they pay me a lot) but something I do because at this point in my life I'm not wealthy enough to have ethics. (I'd love to spew my political feelings about what corporations are doing to this country and its CITIZENS but I'll do that elsewhere and try to keep my focus here on kittens.)
If I'm going to spend a minimum of 75 cents on a thimble sized can of food, I'd like to think that it has some nutritional benefits. The Elegant Medleys taste great. Yes, I have sampled them and they don't have that awful crude fat by product taste that most have. (Yes indeed, I have tasted cat food. Get over it, this is the kind of stuff I'm willing to do as research) In the case of Captain, just getting him to eat regularly was the goal but normally I would prefer to say "Here's your food, like it or starve."

I would prefer to say that but more often I say, "Oh itty bitty baby no likey da poo poo foody! Baby try bury like doody in widder box! Mommy make good num num! Mommy do now!" then I cook a chicken and rice and pathetically await my kitties' approval of my cooking. If they don't like it, my self esteem plumets.
I may have found the solution: Newman's Organics. It is a premium food and they now stock it at Kroeger's (Ralphs). I wanted to try it because ... well, I like Nell Newman, her Dad's cool too and some of their profits go to good causes. I don't know what good causes but I'm sure they're good because I trust Cool Hand Luke. Also, when I was a kid, I really liked Nell's performance in "The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds"*. Now I know that it is just that kind of blonde logic that won't have you coming back to this blog for more of my sage advice, but hey, why not try it? It comes in larger cans so it's not as expensive as the Shebas of this world and Nell says it's good for them. (I trust Cool Hand Luke's daughter)

It must taste healthy. They didn't like it too much but I finally realized that this isn't all that important. Canned food is a treat. It is not what they live on. Fortunately, I have been lucky with the kibble. I buy Iams kitten and Iams adult. Why Iams? Because it makes their poop smaller. With five litter boxes this is a good thing. Upstairs I have Purina One. This two kibble routine is a habit from foster parenting. You don't want them to be too brand specific. This way they also have a choice. And if I find that one has been recalled there's a good chance that half my cats will survive.

I'd love to know what others are swearing by or swearing at. When it comes to the really small babies I'm very clear, Royal Canin makes a very tiny kibble for really young kittens. It seems to score well on all levels but I still ALWAYS have a problem with runny stool. (Not ME, the kittens!) Is this just the way? Is there any way to keep these tiny tummies from having such a hard (and stinky) time with handling solid food? I'm open to all suggestions.

*That has to be the best movie name ever.