Monday, March 10, 2008

Kitten Season Has Begun!

I have my first litter! I also wrote gobs of stuff and posted photos only to have the whole entry go "POOF"
VANISHED, Arrrgh! I just fed the kittens and started falling asleep with them so it's time to go to bed. I'll be up in a few hours to feed them again anyway. OK here it is in brief:

I have five kittens from three litters. Two tabbies, silver and gold who are brothers; Two torties who are sisters (one of their papers says male but my pal reminded me that Torties are like calicos, 99% female) I checked her hiney, yep she's a girl. They seem to be three weeks old. Last we have a tiny boy, he is under two weeks old. Must be the sole survivor of his litter. What happened to his Mom? What happened to any of their Moms? We'll never know these things.
I feel most comfortable with the orange tabby because he's the biggest and he laughs at all my jokes.
The tiny guy will get better looking! I'm sure of it! He will probably be a classic siamese with the long nose and slim body. He is definitely the most affectionate and that's pretty cool for being so young.
Down side: They have eye infections so they are on antibiotics and eye ointment. Also I can't get any poop out of them. I've been stimulating their anuses (Laymen stop cringing, cat people know what I'm talking about. At least I don't have to do it with my tongue like a real Mama cat!) to no avail. My friend suggested a tiny enema, using an eyedropper.... hmmm never done that before...


Kevin said...

Hello, All you kitten lovers out their. This is Kevin again. Sorry for all the different user names. I'm trying different things. I left a previous post about being a mailman,and talking to people I see about kitten foster care. I was'nt blowing smoke up anybody's butt. Want you to know I was real.I accually found at least two people who may be interested. They ask alot of questions. Which,I did not expect. For example: Where's their mother?How long?Almost everyone asks How can you give them back to the shelter. Some of them don't think that they could. I answer as best I can. I hope I give the right response. Anyway Heres some impormation for those of you in the New York area. The place to go is:Animalcare&Control of New York City. 326 East 110th St. New York N.Y 10029.(between 1st and 2nd ave) The phone number is(212)788-4000.You can go on the web to The are ACC in Brooklyn and Staten Island. Call the same number. Unfortunatlly,the are no ACC in Queens or the Bronx and there are no plans to. Currently those boroughs have small recieving centers. Only open a few days a week. One more thing,The ACC which operates under contract with the Health Department took in more then 39,000 unwanted pets last year. More then 15,000 had to be euthanized. Because noone wanted to adopt them. That's F----ed up. One thing I've found is when I speak to people they really do care.So,there is hope. Anyway,I'll keep spreading the word on this side. On a lighter note. My friend said he would help me if I needed anything oif I took in a kitten. I may go to a shelter and get a cat. they need love too. He says.So I wont blab on this blog.I have started my own blog.It's at Kevinbarryclar@ blog I like to write. But I must respect this blog. This is about Kitten foster care.I talk about anything on mine.I'm going to hit out now. I hope this helps.Now I understand why nuetering your pets is so important. Have a Happy Easter Peace,Kevin.

Laura said...

Hi, Susan:
I posted earlier but forgot to tell you about a product I saw in the back of a cat magazine. The website is They sell what the describe as "bottle booties". They are donut-shaped cloth bottle holders which comfort kittens and puppies as they are being bottle fed. I plan to order some before I get my next litter. You should check it out.